Instant Payment Notification Integration


shurjoPay provides deferred status updates on incomplete payment transactions through the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) feature which merchant systems can enable and integrate easily.
This powerful feature enables merchant systems to get status updates of payment transactions which could be pending for various reasons or when customers lost their browser session.

System Integration

There are three steps to integrate with the ShurjoPay IPN feature completely:

  1. Providing IPN receiving end point
  2. Verifying payment using ShurjoPay order id
  3. Updating the merchant’s own system

Step 1: Providing IPN Receiving Endpoint

Merchants need to develop an HTTP endpoint which can handle a POST request containing ShurjoPay order id from the ShurjoPay system.

2. Verifying payment by shurjoPay order id

After receiving the IPN call, the merchant's system must verify the payment using the shurjoPay order id through a callback HTTP request to the shurjoPay system. Merchant system can easily do this by calling the verification API of the shurjopay plugin they are using.

3. Updating the merchant’s own system

Finally, the merchant system needs to update their own system database according to the payment verification API response from the shurjoPay system.

shurjopay Ipn system
Last Updated: Tue, 02-May-2023